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1 Tabasco Geode TBS View
2 Tanzanite TNZ Tanzanite is a member of the Zoisite family, a calcium aluminum silicate mineral with a hardness of 6.5 to 7. Its crystal system is orthorhombic, and it forms prismatic, usually striated crystals. MEANING: Tanzanite is named after the country Tanzania where it was first discovered in Africa. COLOR: It is a trichroic gemstone and its color ranges from blue to blue-violet, although some crystals are golden to brownish-yellow. When heated the crystals with yellow tones turn to blue or blue-violet. SOURCE: The stone is found in Kenya, Tanzania, and Pakistan and was first introduced by Tiffany and Co. of New York. BIRTHSTONE: It is a modern birthstone for December and an accepted birthstone for the Libra sign. It is also an ideal gift for 24th Anniversary. METAPHYSICAL PROPERTIES: It helps one to remain calm and centered in the heart’s wisdom. It is an excellent stone for Counselors and empathic individuals. View
3 Tanzanite Quartz TNQ View
4 Tasmania Serpentine TMS Tasmania Serpentine is a major rock-forming mineral and is found as a constituent in many metamorphic and weather igneous rocks. It often colors many of these rocks to a green color and most rocks that have a green color probably have serpentine in some amount. Tasmania Serpentine is actually a general name applied to several members of a polymorphic group. These minerals have essentially the same chemistry but different structures. Their differences are minor and almost indistinguishable in hand samples. However, the chrysotile minerals are more likely to form serpentine asbestos while antigorite and lizardite from cryptocrystalline masses sometimes with a lamellar or micaceous character. Asbestos had been used for years as a fire-retarding cloth and in brake linings. Its links to cancer however have led to the development of alternative materials for these purposes. Serpentine can be an attractive green stone that takes a nice polish and is suitable for carving. It has been used as a substitute for jade and is sometimes difficult to distinguish from jade a testament to the beauty of finer serpentine material. View
5 Tektite TKT A tektite is a glassy object, often fissured on the surface, associated with meteoric impact. Their hardness ranges from 5.5 to 6.5 and their crystal system is amorphous. Tektite is rich in silica, with silicon dioxide content higher than 68%. The classic shapes of Tektites suggest that at the time of meteoric impact, these stones were heated to the liquid state and flung through the atmosphere. MEANING: The name Tektite comes from the Greek word text, meaning molten. COLOR: Most Tektites are black or brown-black but few are found in green color too. SOURCE: Tektites have been found in North America, Australia, Africa, China, and Southeast Asia. The most abundant Tektites are found in vast fields of China and Indo-China. BIRTHSTONE: It is considered a Zodiac birthstone for the month of April. METAPHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Tektite is famed as a stone of ‘good luck’ as it attracts kindness and friendship from others. It expands one’s awareness and intuitive abilities. TREATMENTS: It is not known to be treated. View
6 test st TST sgsdhdfgjgk View
7 Testnews Testnews View
8 Texture Agate TXT Texture Agate is the term for banded chalcedony. It is often found as the layers lining geodes deposited in different colors as a quartz geode formed contained different impurities or even none resulting in a white or colorless band. As a general term, Texture Agate is so broadly descriptive that there are hundreds of names applied to varieties of agate from different localities. While many names reflect the source some popular varieties are descriptive such as blue lace agate. Note that in some cases the term Texture Agate is used where the term jasper may be more accurate as in moss agate in which white quartz contains a fractal pattern of green and black resembling tiny blades of moss. Texture Agate is primarily formed by the deposit of silica from solution; it is also a common method of fossilization as the organic remains of some living things are gradually replaced by quartz. Agatized coral from the Tampa Bay area is an excellent example as are all of the specimens of petrified wood. View
9 Three Pence THP View
10 Thulite THL The colors are caused by manganese, which is often found with quartz which gives some streaks of white, which is really lovely in this specimen. Thulite is a lovely stone and this deep fuchsia pink specimen. View