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No stones starts with this character "R"

S.No Stone Image Stone Name Stone Code Stone Description Action
1 Rain Forest Jasper RFJ Rainforest Rhyolite also called Rainforest Jasper Australian Rainforest Jasper is similar visually to a Jasper with its bright, intense colors and smooth, shiny polish, but Rhyolite actually has a composition closer to granite, with much smaller grain size. Rain Forest Jasper frequently contains voids and glassy fragments, which is due to rapid cooling. A balancing stone, Rainforest Jasper is recommended for help with issues of self-esteem and emotional strength. Rainforest Jasper aids in finding your expression in the wake of problems and anxieties. Rainforest Jasper helps to stimulate insight into solutions and alternatives. Rainforest Jasper is the perfect piece to carry when facing confrontation. It helps to eliminate procrastination and distractions. Rainforest Jasper is often used as an aid to activate contact with loved ones who have ascended to other planes. Rainforest Jasper is an excellent tool to use when communicating with animals. Physically, Rainforest Rhyolite helps to boost the immune system and cleanse the kidneys and liver. View
2 Rainbow Aura Quartz RAQ View
3 Rainbow Calsilica RBC Rainbow Calsilica is apparently mined near Chihuahua in Mexico the only place in the world where it is found or where it seems to come from. It was discovered or created sometime around 2002. Rainbow Calsilica is microcrystalline calcite synthetically or naturally bonded with the clay mineral allophane. Silica is also present. It has been described as vein matter or fracture fill formed when a copper push cut into volcanic rhyolite host rock. A stabilization process similar to that used with turquoise has been used whether at the mine or at other producer companies. The basic makeup of the stone is calcite in allophane but seems to have man-made pigments or artists pigments in the blue yellow and green layers and the other layers contain hematite in the red layer and celestine in the black. No one seems to have a real idea as to the creation or discovery of this material. View
4 Rainbow Copper RNC View
5 Rainbow Copper RNC View
6 Rainbow Druse RBD View
7 Rainbow Moonstone RBW Moonstone is found in Brazil, European Alps, India, Madagascar, Mexico, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, and the USA (Pennsylvania and Virginia). Sri Lanka produces the highest quality moonstones. It has derived its name from the resemblance to the color of the moon. Moonstone was very popular with the Romans, who thought it was formed out of the moonlight, also used in Roman jewelry since 100 AD. In India moonstone is considered a sacred stone to this day. One of the most beautiful stone, it exhibits a mysterious shine of the moonlight and is the sacred stone of the moon goddess. It’s chemistry KAlSi3O8.Moonstones come in a variety of colors, ranging from colorless to white, gray, brown, yellow, orange, green, or pink. Clarity ranges from transparent to translucent. View
8 Rainbow Obsidian ROS A stone of purity Rainbow Obsidian brings about a balance to body mind and spirit. Rainbow Obsidian helps to keep centered and focused when any type of chaotic situation office commute home etc presents itself. Rainbow Obsidian can remove negativity from a space or person with ease. Volcanic in origin Rainbow Obsidian helps to draw emotions to the surface and to examine harmful thought patterns. A good choice for past life work Rainbow Obsidian heals old karmic patterns and helps in examining harmful thought patterns. Rainbow Obsidian promotes a sense of calm and inner centering which readies one for a deep meditative state. Physically, Rainbow Obsidian is associated with the skeletal and vascular systems and is said to support smooth skin. In general Rainbow, Obsidian is a very grounding and protective stone. It is used as a great cleanser of negative energies helping to remove not only negativity experienced in the environment but also that of one own emotion such as anger jealousy greed resentment etc. Rainbow Obsidian is often used for healing and releasing energy blockages and has a tendency to work quickly to move truths to the surface to be resolved. View
9 Red Banded Agate RBA Red Banded agates have been reported to ease spastic discomfort from within, as well as from without. You might call them an antispasmodic soother stone as well as stress-relieving. When you are under heavy stress, you often express yourself as being tied in knots and the bands of the agate can untie those holds. Then can serve to keep out your tensions. This is a “call out the troops for protection” stone. A fragment of a Greek Lapidary, probably written in the third or the fourth century, gives a list of seven amulets used for seafaring people. The number might suggest a connection with the days of the week, and the amulets were perhaps regarded as most efficacious when used on the respective days. For the sixth amulet the ophiokiolus stone was selected, most probably a kind of banded agate, for it is said to have been girdled with stripes like the body of a snake; whoever whore this had no need to fear the surging ocean. The Red-banded agates have layers of agatized quartz, giving an appearance of bright bands or stripes. They too are the strong protectors, reinforcing your strength and providing protection if you are a very sensitive person. Wearing a banded agate is like taking extra Vitamin B. It is recommended if you are someone who needs extra courage or extra energy to face your stresses. For you who are drained by upsetting energies in your environment, it is an excellent stone. View
10 Red Calcite Copper REC View